CALGARY, Alberta, March 17, 2022 – Canadian UAVs has secured funding through Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCAN, www.canada.ca/en/prairies-economic-development.html) with a strategic investment through the Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) Program. Canadian UAVs proprietary technology, the Sparrowhawk™ Radar, will allow for beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) flights of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to capture vast amounts of data in a single flight.
The Sparrowhawk™ Radar is a Transport Canada approved detect and avoid (DAA) technology that can seamlessly integrate into an aerial data capture operation as there are no onboard systems required on your UAV to enable long-range flights. Currently, Canadian UAVs is approved with the Sparrowhawk™ Radar for a total detection range of 30 km (16 nautical miles) from our launch location which translates to an area of 688 km² (170,000 acres).
This will allow a single UAV that is properly outfitted to capture massive amounts of data with aerial imagery with our integrated high resolution, multispectral and infrared cameras. Canadian UAVs is targeting their growth in Canada’s energy and utility sector for collecting data to improve efficiencies. Our clients in the Athabasca region have been great stewards in fostering this evolving technology into their operations.
“We could not be more pleased with the support provided by Prairies Economic Development Canada and being chosen to advance our technology and service offering. This is another example of the support we have received to date to advance Canada's unmanned aircraft industry. With this funding we will ensure that our rapid growth continues in the UAV industry to meet the needs of our clients with our services as well as sales of Sparrowhawk™ to other UAV operators.”
Ryan Hutchinson, Business Development Manager
The success of Canadian UAVs, along with our clients and partners, has a significant opportunity to make Alberta, and Canada, a leader in the UAV industry. The BSP Program will stimulate jobs, innovation, and the development of an ecosystem that draws additional business solutions, academic, and research institutions with aligned interests and skills.