SkySensus: Beyond Visual Line of Sight Research (BVLOS) Research & Development and Commercialization Project in Canadian Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Industry
Three Alberta-based SMBs Partner with Peraton Canada to Advance the Use and Development of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Technology
October 30 30, 2019 (Ottawa, ON) – Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) is a critical component of the advancement in unmanned commercial and defence applications of UAS technology. Although testing of BVLOS drone applications in underway in many countries, Canada is on the world leaders in the regulatory development for safe drone operations. This is why Aerium Analytics, Canadian UAVs, and UXS representing the Foremost UAS Test Range have partnered together to work with Peraton Canada to develop new technologies in the industry of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).
Project SkySensus is a signal of growth in the UAS arena in Canada and the world. Western Canada has been a key player in strengthening Canada's unmanned industry, with Alberta known to be an early adopter of RPAS and there are now considered to be over 500 companies within the province that use RPAS for commercial purposes.
Three Alberta-based SMBs partnered with a defence contractor, Peraton Canada, to create SkySensus in order to advance the development and use of RPAS technology for BVLOS applications. This project is a 5-year commitment to support research and development, as well as commercialization advancement of the drone industry in Canada. The initiative is related to Peraton Canada's obligations under Canada's Industrial and Technological Benefits policy. This policy requires companies winning Military and Coast Guard contracts to invest in Canada's economic development at a commensurate level to the value of the contract. Participation from Transport Canada, NAV CANADA, and the Department of National Defence will be structured as part of the project.
Each of the companies within SkySensus are expected to grow and in total 50 high value jobs will be created. The companies will jointly implement a series of research and development activities within increasingly progressive complex environments. A series of capability demonstrations will result in risk modeling and technology advancement to increase the safety of future BVLOS operations.
“We are excited to be part of the SkySensus Project and are looking forward to working together in partnership with Canadian UAVs, UXS Foremost UAS Test Range, and Peraton Canada. Projects like these are of huge importance, building out capabilities for the future and setting Canada apart from other countries in the drone industry.” -- Jordan Cicoria, VP of Operations, Aerium Analytics
“Project SkySensus will catalyze and increase the scope of Canadian UAVs's vision of being an airline grade unmanned systems services provider for commercial and military applications. We are extremely excited to work with our partners in delivering future focused and fundamental capabilities for Canada's unmanned industry. The depth of subject matter expertise and secured long-term funding in the project is a powerful combination that will deliver substantiated value by institutionally increasing safety and technical capability.” -- Sean Greenwood, President and Founder of Canadian UAVs
“The Foremost UAS Test Range and UXS are delighted to be partnered with Peration, Aerium, and Canadian UAVs in Project SkySensus. The R&D we are undertaking addresses many of the significant technical challenges that will advance safe BVLOS for Canada and Canadian companies.” -- Doug Hanna, General Manager at Foremost UAS Test Range
“The project demonstrates our commitment to the three SMBs and to the development of aerospace and defence and the UAS industry in Canada. As part of our ITB obligations, SkySensus will stimulate jobs and innovation and could transition to an ecosystem that draws additional SMBs, and academic and research institutions with aligned interests and skills.” -- Denean Tomlin, ITB/Off-Sets Manager, Peraton Canada
“The SkySensus Project puts Alberta on the map as a leading jurisdiction for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems research, development, and testing. This is an exciting milestone for Alberta that also demonstrates to the world that our growing and dynamic aerospace and defence sector is primed for investment and is open for business.” -- Tanya Fir, Alberta Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Minister
“Calgary is a leader in unmanned technology development in Canada. We are proud to support our local businesses in a new and growing industry that will lead to an increase in jobs and is promising to be an important economical driver for the future. The SkySensus Project is an incredible opportunity in an exciting field that will allow the City of Calgary and Alberta to showcase all we have to offer as a hub for technological advancements.” -- Andrew Sedor, City of Calgary Business Development Coordinator
“There is a lot of significant innovation emerging from Calgary in the area of drones and autonomous vehicles. Today's SkySensus announcement further highlights this fast-growing sector and its is safe to say that we are a major hub for unmanned systems in Canada. Applied technology like this is truly our strength, and Calgary is the best region for innovation.” -- Mary Moran, President and Chief Executive Officer of Calgary Economic Development.
About Canadian UAVs
Canadian UAVs is a military-grade unmanned aviation services company based in Calgary, Alberta. With flight safety as our first priority, we provide UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) solutions for a range of applications. We provide low-cost surveillance, monitoring, training, and reporting for commodity-based operations, utilities, military and real estate through UAVs. In 2018, CUAVS became the first company in Canadian history to fly Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) as part of Transport Canada’s BVLOS Task Force trials.
About AERIUM Analytics
AERIUM Analytics is a Canadian Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Service provider with a strong focus on complex operations, geospatial intelligence and big data analytics. AERIUM Analytics provides a variety of stand-alone or package UAS services, including flight services, wildlife management services, data processing and analysis, and enhanced data visualization. With a strong focus on safety and regulatory compliance, AERIUM Analytics uses innovative technology to deliver unique and effective solutions. To learn more about AERIUM Analytics, please visit: aeriumanalytics.com or follow @AERIUMAnalytics on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
About Foremost UAS Test Range
The Foremost UAS Test Range includes 700 square nautical miles of Class F Restricted airspace up to 18,000 feet ASL for UAS BVLOS Research & Development and Test & Evaluation. With over 300 VFR days per year, long sight lines, and an abundance of surface features, the airspace is well suited to BVLOS operations for large and small UAS including small multi-rotor aircraft as well as development of payloads, communications, and detect & avoid technologies. Project SkySensus provides an opportunity to engage with industry partners in important R&D that takes advantage of our unique airspace, infrastructure, and expertise.